Weight for it

I have been having some interesting conversations lately with various individuals about weight.  One friend was surprised to learn that not everyone can use a scale as a tool to keep them on track.  For some of us, it is a club with which we beat ourselves to a pulp.

I have been trying to lose weight for almost all of my life.  When I was in junior high, my father offered me $100 if lost x amount of weight. I did, got the money, gained it back.  Since then, I have tried every diet, including severe calorie restriction.  I always gain it back, plus some.  The only time I really lost weight was when I was on the pre-surgery prep for the Lap Band (which is another horror story and, thankfully, was removed almost 3 years ago).  I can’t tell you how many hundreds of pounds I have lost and gained over the years.  My poor body.

I became so obsessed with the number on the scale that I would get up and weigh myself in the middle of the night, to see when when I am “lightest” (it’s 2 am, by the way).  A few years ago, I had my husband hide it and I only weighed myself at authorized times.  Finally, even that was too much, so I threw it away.  Freedom!

I was doing great!  I only weighted myself at the doctor’s office and infrequently at the gym (only before swimming and only if others weren’t in the locker room).  But, lately, I’ve been obsessing again.  “Am I losing weight?  Am I any lighter? Will I reach my goal weight before the marathon?” It got to the point that I was thinking of driving to the gym, just to weigh myself.  So, I decided to buy a new scale. Surely, I can handle it now.


I should have realized that this was not a good idea when I almost had a panic attack in Target while trying to pick one out.  I literally circled the aisle three times and then carefully chose a cashier who I didn’t think would “judge me” (WT everloving F?) I finally got it home. My husband tried it out and noted that it is about a pound heavier than the one at the gym. So I tried it.  Wearing shoes, jeans, and a hoodie.  And promptly called myself a “lard ass”.  What is wrong with me?!

My clothes fit well, and some are too loose again.  I’m clearly losing inches.weight

I’m strong.  I am completing my workouts in good shape.  Why does that number hold such sway over me?  I honestly don’t know.

So, what to do with the scale?  I don’t know that, either.  I think it needs to go back into hiding or into the dump.  I can’t allow that number to keep such a strangle hold on me.beauty

RnR DC Training: Week 11

Sunday:  Oh thank goodness!  A rest day!  My everything hurts.

Monday: A day off means a rare sunlight run!  I busted out 8 hilly miles with as strong finish with my last half mile at 8:40 pace!  Not bad considering I wasn’t sure if I could walk this morning!  All of the muscles in my back are still sore from Saturday’s slip-and-slide.

I also attended taekwondo with Little Runner and was privileged to witness his belt ceremony for the first time.  He is now a blue belt, which is the half-way point to black belt at his school.  I’m so proud of him!

Tuesday: Five early morning miles with my running group.  I switched my early morning at work just so I could attend 🙂

Wednesday: Little Runner is sick so no 8 miler for me 😦  So far, I haven’t completed any of my Wednesday Eights.  I have two more left on the schedule.

Thursday:LR is still sick but improving so I was able to complete my five miles on the treadmill.

Friday: Swim!  I set a distance PR!  I first thought it was 1800 yds but then realized that I can’t count.  I now think it was 2250!  Whatever.  I was just glad it was stroke work with paddles and pull buoys rather than endurance!

Saturday: The weather was looking dicey so I decided to stay inside.  I had a great 8 mile run on the treadmill while watching the second Hunger Games movie.  The fact that I had to do it at pace so it wasn’t a butt-kicker helped the enjoyment factor 🙂

Miles for the week: 26
Total training miles: 300.9 <– woot!

Friday fears

Tomorrow I will be running 18 miles in 3 chunks. I will run a 5K at 9, a 20K at 10, and then I’ll run the remaining 2.5 miles at the end. This is either brilliant or a recipe for disaster!

I need to make sure I don’t go out too fast in the 5K. I need to stay warm in the break at 9:30 (and remember dry gloves). I’ll need to force myself to finish the last few miles at the end.

I’m also worried about the drive home at the end. When I finished my 17 miles on Sunday, my legs were cramping so bad that I had to lay down on the bed and pull them into my chest for a bit. I need to remember my Stick and take the time to stretch at the end!

The course is very flat gravel up and down a towpath along the C&O Canal. It will likely be muddy and messy but I haven’t gone this long in my trail shoes so I’ll stick to the road shoes.

Wow, I’m more nervous than I thought! After this, I will have 2 20-milers and then I’ll begin my taper. How did this happen so fast??? I hope I’ll be ready in time!

Surviving Winter

I had my longest run to date, 17 miles, on Sunday.  The region was just coming off from a “polar vortex” so it was 17 degrees when I started and there was still ice and snow in many areas, especially on the trail around the lake.  But, there was no wind and it was sunny!

So, this is what I wore:532955_402466669900933_8475123495248727979_n* Loosely knit hat with fleece edging on the inside from Dick’s Sporting Goods

* “Buff” type wrap that I could wear over my mouth but I was actually plenty warm so I just pushed it down to around my neck

* Tight fitting wicking shirt as base layer (from Target)

* Nike Women’s Pro Hyperwarm Nordic top (it has a funnel neck)

* Lands End ThermaCheck fleece gloves

* Sugoi MidZero Tights

* Wool socks

* I wore my regular running shoes but I wish I had worn my trail shoes for the ice and snow – but that wasn’t too horrible.

And I was absolutely comfortable during my whole run!  The only problem was my fleece gloves became very wet and when I took them off at the midway point to refuel, they were cold and gross.  Next time I will stick another pair in my CamelBak.

If it has been windy, I would have worn a windproof layer between my top layer and my outer.  I would have also wrapped my feet in saran wrap (over my socks).  I don’t have wind pants but I might have worn a pair of looser pants over the tights. I want a winter running skirt (to keep my butt warmer!) but I hate things shifting around so I probably won’t go that route.

For skin protection, I put on a layer of very thick hand cream on my hands right before I left and I used Body Glide around my eyes to help with the salt.  If it had been windier, I would have used cream on my face, too.

I also had my CamelBak with me.  I was worried about the line freezing and I don’t have an insulated cover so I filled it with very warm water right before I left and I blew out the tube after every drink.  The line stayed clear until mile 14 or so and I think the only reason it froze then was that I wasn’t drinking often enough.

Running in the cold is actually pretty nice and, honestly, I prefer this to 80 degrees!  However, I could do without the ice 🙂

RnR DC Training: Week 10

Sunday: “if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to far, go with friends”. That totally sums up my “it takes a village” long run! I had two women from my running group show up at 7:00 on a very cold morning to help me through my first 8 miles where they passed me off to two other runners. These two saw me through my second and third legs. Even though I was hurting at the end, I was very happy with 17 miles at an 11:40 pace 🙂 Perfect!

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: An early four miles with some of my running group. I love getting the miles done early!

Wednesday: 8 miles in the treadmill since Little Runner’s school was closed.
We also attended our taekwondo class and I’ve almost passed my sparring requirement! (Not my favorite).

2015/01/img_0060.jpg Yeah, Virginia…

Thursday: Intentional rest day.

Friday: Swim. I had to modify like crazy but I was able to complete the full hour. My breathing is all kinds of sucky right now!

Saturday: Second long run. I ran 1 mile, then the 5K race, then another 1/2 mile. Stopped to gear up with fresh gloves and my CamelBak. Headed out for the 20K + 1 … and promptly died. The course had a LOT more ice than I expected and I took a good slip and basically limped my way to the finish. Needless to say, I did not get my last mile in!


2015/01/img_0062.jpg it was cold enough for people to play hockey on the canal!

Eh, it ended out not the best. But I still have my “swagger” 🙂


Miles for the week: 45.1
Total training miles: 274.9

RnR DC: Training Week 9

Halfway point and not only are my runs starting to slide a bit but so is my weekly report…

Sunday: The family did the last 5K to earn us a special “trifecta” medal. It was forecast for a cold rain but, luckily, the weather held and Little Runner PRd his 5K time by over a minute, even with a hilly course!  I finished off my long run for the day by squeezing in a late 10 miler with a friend later in the afternoon.  Holy moly, that was a mistake!  Late runs on a Sunday are incredibly hard.  We both agreed to never do that again! 🙂

Monday: Rest and taekwondo

Tuesday: Plan called for 4 but I only made it 2.5 on the treadmill before I called it quits 😦 Every little thing was bugging me and I just could even deal.l-338

Wednesday: Much better treadmill run tonight and I managed the prescribed 5 miles!

Thursday: Fell short again. Plan called for 4 and I made it 3. Crud.

Friday:  Back to swim!  I could definitely tell I hadn’t been in the pool for two weeks and fell very short on the workout.  I’m sensing a theme!

Saturday: Hey, guess what!  Short again!  The plan called for 8 but only did 5.  We were out late on Friday, I was trying to run late on Saturday (I thought I had decided on Sunday to not do that!), and I was totally distracted by personal events.  Also, to be fair, the (super young) taekwondo instructor tried to burn out our legs in the morning class.  That definitely didn’t help.

Okay, not the best week but (spoiler alert) Sunday’s 17 miler made up for it!

Miles for the week: 28.6

Total training miles: 229.8

RnR DC Training: Week 8

Sunday: I ran the longest I have since October 2013!  14 sluggish miles done.  The weather was just perfect for me, cooler and overcast and I was able to try out my new arm warmers.  I kept an 11:25 average pace, which is what my marathon pace is supposed to be, and didn’t struggle overly much.  I’m also experimenting with Generation UCAN for the long runs.  A review will be forthcoming.

Monday: Schedule rest day.

Tuesday: Unscheduled rest day.  Let’s just say that sometimes being an aging woman sucks…

Wednesday: New Year’s Eve!  I celebrated by first running three miles of intervals on the treadmill at the gym and then some swimming with Little Runner.  I capped off the year by running the Fairfax Four Miler where I had a massive PR with a 9:08 average (unofficial)  time.  My running partner was out sick so I decided to just go out and see what I could do.  I’m pretty happy with the results!  10898285_10152423447602470_4667176554469555612_nThursday: Happy New Year! It was still pretty frosty when I laced up to meet some friends at 7:30 but we quickly knocked out 4 miles and started the year on the right foot!

Friday: Unexpected rest day.  No swim this morning and I felt sick in the afternoon so I opted for a hot bath 🙂

Saturday: This was to be a scheduled rest day but, since I missed Tuesday and yesterday was a rest day, I put in four miles in the neighborhood.  Also, it was raining and I wanted to run in the rain.  Yes, I’m weird.

And so ends the second month of training!

Miles for the week: 29

Total training miles: 201.2