Product Review: LYFT Energy Stir Sticks

I received the opportunity to review LYFT Energy Stir Sticks, a 0 calorie product with no artificial flavors, sweeteners or preservatives and I was intrigued.  I am a caffeine junkie!  I have managed to cut back to “just” 3 cups of coffee a day (usually) but could easy drink more.  I just returned from a very long and busy conference to find my sample waiting for me and I was overjoyed!


I decided to test one out mid-morning, just in case my touchy stomach didn’t like it.  I didn’t want to worry about any digestive problems during my tough evening workouts.

The “delivery system” is a plastic, perforated stick.  You peel off the protective wrapping and stir it into your beverage of choice for 10 seconds.


I chose to add it to my orange seltzer water.  I am very sensitive to artificial tastes and there was absolutely no weird taste with LYFT.  In fact, it didn’t change the taste at all!

The company says that each stick has the caffeine equivalent of one cup of coffee.  I did feel a little bit of pep but I think I need to try the second stick when I’m not so dead tired because I still managed to take a nap a couple of hours later.



No funny taste

Can add to any drink (great when you don’t want a hot cup of coffee!)

No digestive problems


It’s a minor quibble but I wasn’t sure when all of the product was out of the stirrer.  I think I stirred longer than needed “just to be safe”.


I liked LYFT and would consider using it again.  If you’re interested in trying it, check out their website, Facebook page, or Twitter for special special offers and giveaways.

#sweatpink #cleancaffeine #pureLYFT

Disclaimer: I received a sample of the LYFT product for review but no other compensation.

The above review is my own opinion.

May Day!

Welcome to a new month!

I never did understand the May Pole. The thought of them always made me dizzy.

We survived our “April showers” of the past few days with minimal damage in our area.  A park where I had hoped to ride on Sunday is currently under water but at least our lower level of the house is dry!

Did you make these in school too?

The temperatures are finally seasonal and the rain has helped control the pollen so I’m looking forward to some time outside over the next few days.  Race wise, I have a Mother’s Day triathlon by the same people who hosted the Tune Up Tri that I did in March and it is nice to look forward to a race with no sleet or snow 🙂  I am also running my first “far away” race – the Chicago Spring Half Marathon.  I will be in town for a conference and my hotel is right by the start so I thought “why not?”.  Since I will then have to go immediately after the race into several days of long meetings, I have a feeling I will soon learn “why not”!  I will definitely be packing compression gear!

Other than that, I will continue to build my base.  Next month starts marathon training (already!) and I have my first true sprint distance tri waiting for me.

I wish!

I hope you are able to enjoy this fine spring day!  Continue to strive for progress, not perfection and remember that tomorrow is always a chance to start anew.