Plans for 2017


I don’t make resolutions because I always break them.  Instead, I like to make goals and plans.  It may be totally semantics but, whatever.

My first goal is to move more during the day. I think a lot of my problems with my hamstring is from sitting in my office chair so much.  I’ve changed to sitting on an exercise ball but I still need to get up more. (Speaking of sitting on an exercise ball, there’s just no graceful way to pivot on one of those, is there?  Any time I have to move from my computer to the front of the desk to greet someone, it’s very… awkward…)

My second goal is to cover 2,017 miles in 2017!  I joined the Run the Edge challenge and am super excited!  I know that I can’t run all those miles but, related to goal 1, I can walk and do other things!  I am now walking two miles almost every day at lunch and a mile or two at night, if I have time.  I have already covered a total of 40 miles this week!

My third goal is to lose some tonnage so running isn’t so hard on my body.  I think goals 1 and 2 will help but I’ve decided to give Isagenix a try – don’t worry, I’m not selling it – and am on day 3.  The basic plan, for those who don’t know, is a shake in the morning and one at lunch plus 2, 100 calorie snacks during the day and a dinner of about 500-600 calories, with the goal that all food be “clean” and whole food.  There are two, 2-day “cleanse” days which have limited food during the 30 days but I haven’t gotten to them yet.  So far, it’s going okay.  I’m upping my calories by having a bit extra snacks due to my training (for example, an extra handful of almonds before my swim yesterday) and I feel fine.  I’ll give more of a review later, if I think it’s worth it.

My fourth goal is to find the joy in running again.  I think I lost that in the second half of last year when I was chasing my elusive time goals.  I’m hoping Blue Ridge works it’s magic again for me this year and I can run happy!

Speaking of Blue Ridge, it was getting tedious printing out the training plan a bit at a time so here’s the spreadsheet of the master plan in an Excel spreadsheet. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you!  brm-training-2017

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your 2017 is amazing!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram to follow along as I work on my 4 goals!