Just a Little Stressed

I finally had a stress dream about the Blue Ridge Marathon last night.  In my dream, I was late to the start, I was wearing the wrong clothes (including a sweatshirt!), and I was worried that I shouldn’t even start since the race started 20 minutes ago and I was “so slow” that I was sure I’d not make the time cut off (which is 7.5 hours, btw). Throughout the dream there were actual, literal signs that reflected the true stressors that I’m working through right now.  Uh, Dr. Freud, your slip is showing….

I’ll admit that I’m not handling things well right now.  I’ve spent a lot of time crying.  I missed my workout yesterday.  I’m tempted to just throw my hands up in the air and walk away from it all.  (I’ll admit that I am more than tempted by that last one.)

So not healthy.

So, what can I do?

I can eat well.


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Dinner – pork egg roll in a bowl with sauteed mushrooms and broccoli
Having fun with my shakes – my version of Mexican “hot” chocolate!

I’m feeling antisocial but I can kick my own butt in classes.

Fun in this morning’s bootcamp

I can support others.  Even though I don’t really feel like it and the weather will be rough, I will be out spectating at the DC Rock n Roll half marathon tomorrow (sorry, the marathon starts too early for me to get there with Little Runner).  The weather will be gross so they will need extra love.

I can try to get out and enjoy some nature.  Granted, that was easier when it was 70 earlier in the week but I still plan on my lunch walks in the rain.  My goal is to find something pretty or amusing during each walk.

So, that’s my plan of attack for the next few days until I figure this shit out.  Burning the ground and salting the earth is still SUPER tempting but I’m trying to save that for a last resort.  We shall see.

Isagenix: 60 Day Check In

I have just completed my first 60 days with Isagenix and I’m still liking the products!  I only lost 3 lbs last month but I literally had to safety pin my pants so they would stay on this morning so I think it’s safe to say that I’m dropping fat 😀

I think I’m burning some serious grapefruit!


2010 (not my heaviest)
Last week




For comparison








I see baby abs!

And I’m definitely not starving myself! I ran 19 miles on the 26th so I ate a lot more that day but I average around 1900 calories a day unless I have a heavier workout.calories

I’m starting to add in the Isagenix line of fuel on the run, both an energy gel that tastes like apple pie (it’s like if Huma gels and GU had a love child) and e+ shots mid run on my supper long days for an extra boost.  So far, so good!  I’ll write more about these products soon!

Overall, still super pleased and I’m seeing an improvement in my endurance and speed.  Still no migraines (I had one in Jan but none in Feb), my back and hip are doing great (well, my back hated Sunday’s run but that was a different problem), and my hamstring hardly hurts at all any more.  This is dated but #winning totally fits!