
I began running March 4, 2012 at the high end of 30.  I’ve struggled with my weight all of my life and have never consistently “stuck” to any exercise plan.  I thought I hated running – I sure despised the annual mile we had to run for the Presidential Fitness Challenge (or whatever it was called) in junior high.  I enjoyed lifting weights and throwing the shot put and discus in high school but that was about it for me.  I would have fits of walking. My husband and I joined the gym a couple of times where I would attempt to run on a treadmill.  We even bought a high-end Precor which I hated more than anything.

I don’t know what happened that March.  Suddenly I decided that I needed to finally run!  I completed a Couch to 5K program and have kept it up ever since.  I’m not terribly fast but I am consistent.  I have run many races of various distances, including the Marine Corp Marathon in 2013 and 2015 and RnR DC in 2015!  I’m now training for multiple marathons and considering branching into ultras.

I live in (hilly!) northern Virginia with my husband, 9 yr old son, 2 cats, 1 guinea pigs, and a turtle!  Besides running, I also swim and pretend to lift weights.  I really want to lift more…

I’m approaching this training on a low carb/paleo/primal diet slant so stay tuned to hear how that is progressing!

Other issues that will be discussed: body issues, mental toughness, weigh loss (or not), being a working mother runner, staying sane, outrunning depressing, and anything else that strikes my fancy!

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