What’s next??

I’ll admit, I’m having problems coming to terms with the race being over.  It was such a looming event for so long, I’m a little lost without it.  Truth be told, I feel like I have PMS x a billion.  I’ve been grumpy and snapping at everyone, my skin is all broken out, and I want to eat all the food.  I’m a real treat, I tell you!  Thank goodness I was able to run 3 miles on Thursday, to take the edge off!

My next race isn’t until the Marine Corps Marathon (3rd time!)  at the end of October so I’m treading water until mid-July.  I need a plan, though.  I think I’ll lose my ever loving mind if I don’t have some sort of plan for the next three months.

I really want to focus on strength training and building more lean mass (by dropping fat 😉 ).  Right now, my “plan” is to run three days a week – 1 shorter, 1 speed or hills, 1 longer (up to 10-12) and do some sort of weight-based exercises 3 days a week.

Little Runner and I went to the playground on Wednesday and had a (mostly) body weight workout.  You can do a lot with swings!  He challenged me to a leg lift competition and my lower abs are still sore 😮  He’s loving my increased availability so I am going to keep our “Wednesdays at the park” in play for as long as I can.  I also did a four station circuit workout this morning (with some kettlebell swings and a couple of sled pushes thrown in for good measure).  While I’m definitely sore from that, I really need to figure out a progressive, consistent plan.  I feel like I’m in danger of half-assing my down time and not being as strong in July as I’d like.

As usual, I’m a work in progress!

no plan
So dangerous!